Our attention to detail and quality is unmatched in the industry. We’re not just a resource provider but also a key strategic technology partner ready to meet tasks of any complexity and deliver a high-quality project. We don’t down tools until you’re completely satisfied with our service. Аnd, with a client satisfaction rating of 97%, you can be confident that you’re in safe hands.
You get access to a talent pool of over 2000 software specialists to scale development capacity on-demand and fully support your growing development portfolio. We’ll build an offshore software development team with the best-fit skills for your project, so your core team can focus on optimising business as usual.
As a global software development outsourcing company, we have 20 delivery centres in eight countries, including central and eastern Europe. This means our specialists are available for regular onsite visits, creating a seamless working partnership. Our experts will rapidly integrate with your in-house team, adopting your culture while transferring process and behaviour-change knowledge to your internal staff.