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A Comprehensive Data Management Platform to Manage Recycling Processes Data from End to End

Key results
Adaptable and scalable solution enhanced with computer vision and AI capabilities
Successful market launch and adoption by service providers and producers


Not-for-profit Producer Responsibility Organisation, eTracks, wanted to create a sustainable tire management system for the Canadian market via a flexible new app. ELEKS helped it realize its vision with a robust solution for optimizing resource recovery processes and harnessing recycling supply chain data. The enhanced eSRP (Sustainable Recovery Platform) app rolled out in almost 6,500 Canadian sites and is helping contribute to a circular economy by making resource recovery data more transparent and tackling the issue of waste.
ELEKS successfully took our business, vision and processes and built a solution to meet our future needs.  By developing eSRP, eTracks is well positioned to enable its long-term strategic vision of aligning business process and technology to meet tomorrow’s recycling challenges.
Adam Bourke
Chief Operations Officer
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The situation

eTracks wanted to digitise the end-to-end tire management process by developing a flexible new app

eTracks Tire Management Systems was incorporated by the Tire and Rubber Association of Canada to meet the needs of its members and other producers in responsibly managing and disposing of end-of-life tires in Ontario—required by the Ontario Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act (RRCEA).

eTracks reached out to ELEKS in May 2020, requesting a complete re-engineering of an in-market application—eSRP (Sustainable Recovery Platform)—used by tire manufacturers and producers to meet their legislative obligations. eTracks wanted to improve the app’s traceability while removing manual transactions and reporting. It also sought to enable the simple addition of new features to support expansion into other regions and material classes.

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The solution

A robust system to manage resource recovery and recycling supply chain data

ELEKS’ primary goal was to help eTracks define the product’s scope and vision, create an interactive visual concept and elaborate on the technical solution, working in close collaboration with the client’s internal team. ELEKS suggested a Product Design Phase as the first step in the product development lifecycle, which involved eTracks and ELEKS co-creating the vision for the future system.

After this initial phase, our team helped eTracks develop its new eSRP which was implemented as a progressive web application that can be run on desktop and mobile. We also applied a modular architecture that can enable future changes and adaptations once the system becomes more complex or scales to other locations and business streams.

To meet two core requirements, traceability and flexibility, our team added new transactions and validations that help identify any inconsistencies during the end-to-end recycling process: i.e. pick up, delivery and processing. We also engaged our Data Science experts to add computer vision and AI capabilities for optical character recognition and signature validation. And our experts equipped

the app with photo validation to improve the quality of transactional information and to save the internal validation team time.

After implementation, the eSRP application was released for internal user testing followed by robust user acceptance and penetration testing.

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The result

Successful launch and adoption of eSRP

In January 2022, eTracks launched its Sustainable Recovery Platform to over 6,500 Ontario tire collection sites, 100 service providers and over 50 producers. The platform has helped improve the way producers and other organisations manage recyclable materials and regulatory compliance. And it’s also improving the accuracy and auditability of resource recovery data, with the goal of diverting more waste from landfills and supporting a circular economy.

“Over a two-year period the team at ELEKS created exactly what we needed, providing exceptional expertise, professionalism and project management throughout the process, testing, and launch. ELEKS succeeded in helping us improve our ability to trace the flow of recycled tires, while significantly reducing manual transactions and reporting. Thank-you to the team at ELEKS for their professional, dedicated support in reaching this incredible milestone!”
Melissa Carlaw
Director of Communications and Marketing
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What our customers say

The breadth of knowledge and understanding that ELEKS has within its walls allows us to leverage that expertise to make superior deliverables for our customers. When you work with ELEKS, you are working with the top 1% of the aptitude and engineering excellence of the whole country.

sam fleming
Sam Fleming
President, Fleming-AOD

Right from the start, we really liked ELEKS’ commitment and engagement. They came to us with their best people to try to understand our context, our business idea, and developed the first prototype with us. They were very professional and very customer oriented. I think, without ELEKS it probably would not have been possible to have such a successful product in such a short period of time.

Caroline Aumeran
Caroline Aumeran
Head of Product Development, appygas

ELEKS has been involved in the development of a number of our consumer-facing websites and mobile applications that allow our customers to easily track their shipments, get the information they need as well as stay in touch with us. We’ve appreciated the level of ELEKS’ expertise, responsiveness and attention to details.

Samer Awajan
CTO, Aramex